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martes, 13 de junio de 2017

So you guys want to know where I was born. The Final Clue

The other day I had a weird dream...

My sister, Patricia, and I were little girls and were back in the place where we had been born.

We were standing in the middle of nowhere, all alone, but there was a sign next to us telling the distance (1.2 km) to the highest mountain in the country, whose top I could see perfectly align with the top of Patricia's head, right behind her.

In the dream, Pa was wearing her school uniform. Therefore, she much have been a bit older than four, and I must have been barely three. But, somehow, she looked much taller than me; actually, nearly a foot taller (big sisters do tend to look rather imposing when you are a little kid, don't they?).

Anyway, just when I was expecting something to happen, the alarm clock went off, and I woke up. And then I realized that if I told you that in the dream we were standing 28" apart, doing a little bit of math you would be able to find out where we were. So, there you have it...

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Khan Academy: cuerpos geométricos

Aquí tenéis los ejercicios del último tema de geometría de este curso:

  1. Volume 1: empezamos con los más sencillitos, volúmenes de ortoedros.
  2. Volume with fractions: lo mismo, pero trabajando con fracciones.
  3. Volume by multiplying area of base times height: estos son para que se os quede grabado que en un prisma "el volumen es igual al área de la base por la altura".
  4. Volume word problems: fractions & decimals: problemas de volúmenes de ortoedros. Recordad que si sale una fracción mixta, es igual a la suma (4 1/3= 4 + 1/3).
  5. Nets of polyhedra: este ejercicio es para ayudaros a que identifiquéis un poliedro con su desarrollo en plano (si quisiéramos construirlo con cartulina, ¿qué tendríamos que dibujar?).
  6. Surface area using nets: como el cálculo de superficies es algo más difícil que el de volúmenes, vamos a empezar con ejercicios muy sencillos. Aquí os piden el área total (superficie) del cuerpo, teniendo su desarrollo plano dibujado en una cuadrícula.